Fritchman Thompson Diary
of 22 June 2009
Latest Update: Sunday, 28 June 2009 1:20 p.m.
Monday, 22 June 2009
really exciting going on for a Monday. With school out my drive to work
has a few less cars. I pass several public and private schools on the
way to work one of which creates a big bottle neck. I'm not sure the
coming home traffic has changed much in volume.
The final
round of the US Open golf tournament had to played today due to all the
wet weather and delays. When it was time for me to go to lunch I logged
on to the live coverage to see how things were going. It turns out the
leaders were playing the last five or six holes. I was able to eat and
watch the end of the tournament during my lunch break.
Gym tonight. We are watching the last Inspector Lynley, Know Thine Enemy. We missed it or it never ran here Masterpiece Theater.
Tuesday, 23 June 2009
No update.
Wednesday, 24 June 2009
And it's only Wednesday? Bit of hard week at
work. I am moving/shifting files again in between my other jobs.
Tonight I came home and mowed, edged, and swept up. At least the
temperatures are in the low to mid 80's with the humidity less
than 50% though I was still soaked by the time I finished. While I
mowed Bob fixed a casserole for dinner. We are watching the first
episode of Crossing Jordan. Sort of like the show Bones.
of bones, I am trying a new author for me, but not for Bob. Beverly
Connor has two series. I am reading the first book in her series
featuring forensic anthropologist Lindsay Chamberlain, A Rumor of
Bones. Bob and I met Beverly and her husband six or seven years ago in
Atlanta at the Harriette Austin Writers Conference.
I can't remember why we went but we had a good time. Bob has been
reading her books since then but I had not tried them. Like many
of the authors we read whose feature character is a forensic
anthropologist, that is also Beverly's calling. I just started the book
at lunch today but what I have read so far I very much enjoyed.
Thursday, 25 June 2009
[Thursday] [Friday]
No update.
Friday 26 June 2009
Whew! Glad this week is over. I made the
library, drugstore, grocery store run on the way home. After dinner I
watered the two flower beds out front. I can get the stuff in the back
tomorrow. All of what I have planted in the back beds are perennials in
mostly shade. I think we have actually been a whole week without any
rain. The front annual/perennial beds get full sun all day. The flowers
I planted last in the smaller bed are not doing too well. I may be to
add some more to that bed at some point.
We are watching the
newer remake of the Murdock Mysteries. These are set later than the
first series from the late 1880's to the early 1890's. So far I am
enjoying the first episode. Murdock is investigating the murder
of a woman by electrocution. The backdrop story features a battle of
the city over switching from DC to AC current connecting to the new
generator at Niagara Falls.
It was very warm, low 90's when I
left work. It has cooled of some with the sun setting. A few spotty
showers have popped up around us but not much in the way of rain is in
the forecast for the next week.
Saturday, 27 June 2009
[Saturday] [Sunday]
I did the weekly house cleaning chores while
Bob started the laundry doing my work load first. I now have a full
basket of ironing I to tackle this afternoon. After I finished up the
house work it was time to give the dogs their summer baths.
did not want to get washed. I finally had to call Bob to stand outside
the shower and hold Duncan's head while I tried to wash him. He tried
to fight both of us to keep me from holding him down to wash him. What
his back end lacks in strength he makes up for with his front legs and
head. He will try to head butt you if you get too close and used his
front legs to thrash wildly. With his urinary leaking and accidents I
wanted to get his belly area cleaned real good. After I finally got him
washed Bob had to pick him up and carry him to the unfinished area to
dry off. That will most likely be his last bath. I told Bob I will get
some baby wipes to use on him belly area to keep him clean. He will not
even tolerate being washed and rinsed in the front yard without putting
up a fight.
Malcolm behaves fairly well once he gets in the
shower and realizes he cannot out maneuver me. I then finished up with
my shower. Bob sat downstairs with the dogs while I came up to
get dressed. He was washing some of Duncan's rugs and his bed cover
with with the sheet load. The rugs sometimes get out of balance so Bob
sits downstairs while they wash. Even with Bob sitting downstairs with
him Malcolm barked the entire time I was up here getting dressed.
went back down to dry the dogs off real good after they had a chance to
shake and drip some of the water off. I took Duncan up around to the
front and left him outside to dry. He has started not wanting to be
outside for very long especially if I am in the house. I sat outside
with him until he was almost dry before bringing him in so I could fix
some lunch.
Hot and humid today though there is a good breeze.
We will spend the rest of the day indoors. Golf and Wimbledon tennis
later this afternoon.
Sunday, 28 June 2009
[Sunday] [Next
Dad and played nine holes this morning teeing
off around 7:45. Lots of sunshine with temperatures in the high 70's to
low 80's with a slight breeze. We both played well.
mowed when I came home. While it was not all that high it will be by
midweek even with this recent dry spell. We did get a half an inch of
rain Friday night from a little storm that fired up just before it was
time to take the dogs for last time. Now I will not have to worry about
mowing during the week.
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