Fritchman Thompson Diary
of 31 August 2009
Latest Update: Sunday, 6 September 2009 2:10 p.m.
Monday, 31 August 2009
We did a Costco run yesterday with Paul and Mary followed by dinner.
was raining when I got up this morning. We had an inch of rain from
whenever it started during the night up until this afternoon. Very
strange weather we are having. Other than a few days here and there we
had a cool summer, especially August when we usually get days and even
weeks of high 90 and 100 degree spells.
Today the
temperatures never did make it out of the 60's. The leaves are falling
again as if it was the middle of September. Not sure what kind of fall
we will have with all the leaves falling from the trees this early. The
front lawn is carpeted again from all the rain.
We are watching Lost In Austen
a very interesting British mini series about a modern day young women
who finds herself swapping places with Jane Austen's Elizabeth Bennett
in Pride and Prejudice. With Austen being my favorite of the classic
authors of that time period this is a most interesting take on her work.
Tuesday, 1 September 2009
No update.
Wednesday, 2 September 2009
The fall like weather continues with lows at
night dipping into the high 50's and daytime temperatures in the low to
mid 70's. Today I decided to enjoy the nice weather and eat my lunch
sitting outside on the bench in front of the building.
I started reading another Reginald Hill, Dialogues of the Dead, last night.
Not much else going on. Malcolm still looks around for Duncan from time to time.
Thursday, 3 September 2009
[Thursday] [Friday]
No update.
Friday 4 September 2009
I took a vacation today to give myself a long
weekend. As usual I have more chores on my to-do list than I will get
to. I did the weekly house cleaning this morning then took off to run
errands. My new glasses needed some adjustments now that I have worn
them for a few weeks. I have been having trouble finding the "sweet
spot" when I read so smaller print and they kept slipping down all the
time. She tightened the frames and angled the arms a little different
to move the reading spot up a little. IT will take my brain a few days
to adjust to the new alignment. The eye glass place being the
furtherest from home I started there and worked my way back.
hours later I was making my final stop at the library then home for
lunch. Bob had a conference call this afternoon. While he was on the
phone I cleaned up my desk and paid the bills.
We are still
having fall like weather. I noticed when had Malcolm out back
playing earlier I still have a lot of grass seed on the ground. I need
to get the leaves up but I don't want to disturb the seed. We still
need a lot of rain. Things are still pretty dry. We only had a little
over an inch of rain in August.
Saturday, 5 September 2009
[Saturday] [Sunday]
Oh what a lovely day we are having here in
the Triad for Labor Day weekend. Blue skies, mid 80's, low humidity. I
don't know who has enjoyed it more, me or Malcolm. We were in the yard
by 9. I started out doing maintenance stuff; trimming the long high
branchs on the bushes, transplanting some more liriopie, etc. I used
the blower to gently blow the leaves from the lawn and the nearby
natural area into a very large pile in the middle of the driveway. Then
I used the lawn vacuum to mulch them up.
I stopped periodically
for rest breaks including lunch finishing up about 2. Other then when I
was running the vacuum, Malcolm had a great time running around helping
me, visiting with a few neighbors out with their dogs, and just
generally running around or up and down the stairs from the basement to
Time to rest, watch some tennis, and maybe sit outside on the porch reading in order to continue enjoying this beautiful day.
Sunday, 6 September 2009
[Sunday] [Next
Golf this morning. The sun was just coming up
over the horizon and out behind a few stray clouds when we teed off
about 7:30. Warm and humid but not too bad.
Last summer I
bought a bottle of the Windex Outdoor Multi-surface Cleaner in the
green bottle to do the outside of the windows and the shutters. The
bottle attaches to a hose with off, rinse, and clean positions. Bob
mixed up some Dawn detergent for me to spray the edges of the gutter
covers. I have the high power spray nozzle they gave us when the
installed the gutter but they really needed a good washing to get all
the gunk off from the trees. I also did the shutters and windows. That
project completed I trimmed the high geranium bushes back. Two
more projects I can cross off my list of things to do.
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