Fritchman Thompson Diary
of 2 August 2010
Latest Update: Sunday, 8 August 2010 2:20 p.m.
Monday, 2 August
and I went to Costco yesterday afternoon to replenish his coke supply
and pick up new house phones. When we switch from Phone Power to Time
Warner next week we will need to have an answering machine. We were
using Phone Powers voice mail system. Our old answering machine died
about the time we started using Phone Power. Bob picked out a cordless
system with a main base and phone plus three handsets to replace our
corded phones. We picked up a few extra boxes of our favorite's frozen
food section that I use for quick meals or for Bob when I am out to
dinner or away.
Work was really busy today, even for a Monday. I had several
projects going at one time plus trying to handle incoming as needed
stuff. Off to the Y after work.
We had another cloudy, dreary day but a little warmer temperatures.
It was spitting rain on the way to work but it never amounted to much
the rest of the day.
Tuesday, 3 August 2010
No update.
Wednesday, 4 August 2010
This has been a really busy, hectic, week and
it is only Wednesday. I went to the Y after work to wind down. We have
been watching a show called Everwood. I am not sure what channel it
ran/runs on but it really is very good.
We had taken Malcolm out for his after dinner walk and was coming up on
the porch to come in the house when what did I see...a snake sitting on
the edge of the porch about five feet from the door. I screamed and ran
in the house yelling snake, snake at the same time was saying what,
what. I am deathly afraid of snakes when I come upon them loose like
that. A month or so ago I had gone to to Shane's birthday party when
they had live animals. They had snakes, in tanks, except for the one
wrapped around a little girl's neck. I knew ahead of time they would be
there and I stayed several feel away.
Coming up on him on the porch from the side natural area just made me
freak, sort of like finding the dead chipmunk in the dinning room last
year. I hate surprises like that. Bob thinks it was a baby black snake.
He took the gripper from the top of the fridge and captured him. He
yelled for me to throw him one of the large plastic jars we save from
Costco that we buy peanuts in. I made him walk down the sidewalk about
ten feet before I would open the door to throw it out to him.
He took it down to Mimi's, Shane's mom, to ask them what to do with it.
Shane and Mimi walked down the block and let him loose in the woods.
I finished reading the first P.T. Deutermann. If you like police
procedurals with gripping, thriller plots I suggest this author. I
think I will start a nice, cozy, Victoria Thompson tonight. I think
Murder on Marble Row is the next book in the series for me to pick up.
Hopefully I will not dream of snakes.
Thursday, 5 August 2010
[Thursday] [Friday]
No upate.
Friday 6 August 2010
Whew! What a day, what a week. I had to
answer the phone this morning as soon as I got to my desk to help one
our Greensboro attorneys then handled a couple of other things before I
even had a chance to put away my stuff and make my morning cup of green
tea. And, it was pretty like that all day.
Last night Bob and I had planned to go to Zoe's for dinner. Late
yesterday afternoon severe weather started rolling in gettin to
Winston, of course, just as it was getting close to quitting time.
Fortunately the worst of the first storm was almost through downtown by
the time I was ready to leave. With more waves of storms behind the
first one we decided not to go to dinner. I had thawed pork chops
already in the fridge for another meal so I cooked those on the George
Forman and made noodles.
Today was still hot and humid but no storms. We made a quick trip to
the library on the way to dinner than stopped at the grocery store on
the way back home. It was too hot for Bob to sit in the car. Instead he
came in and sat on the bench at the front of the store while I picked
up the few things we needed.
More Everwood tonight. It will be nice to sit and relax.
Saturday, 7 August 2010
[Saturday] [Sunday]
Bob got up to let Malcolm out around 7. I
went back to sleep until about 8:30. I took my leisurely time reading
the paper before fixing some breakfast. After I brushed Malcolm I
did some stuff on the computer while waiting for my work clothes to
finish drying. I needed to iron but wanted to wait for this load to get
caught up.
I took Malcolm out back to play while I picked up sticks. After I put
him back in I mowed. I decided I might as well leave the bagger on.
With the dry weather some of the leaves are already starting to fall
and I can mow up the dead grass. I will have lots of reseeding to do
this fall.
Reading, watching golf, and relaxing this afternoon. It is really a
nice day. Cool, low 80's and low humidity with a breeze. A nice break
from the sultry stuff we've been having.
Sunday, 8 August 2010
[Sunday] [Next
I gave Bob and haircut this morning before
doing the weekly house cleaning. Before heading over to my parents I
flattend a pile of cardboard boxes to drop off at the fire station.
I had a nice visit and lunch with the folks. It's hot and humid again,
typical August weather, that we have had since June. Last night I
finished reading the Victoria Thompson. Today I think I will start the
second book in the Twiligh series, New Moon, watch some golf, and try
to stay cool.
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