Fritchman Thompson Diary
of 6 September 2010
Latest Update: Sunday, 12 September 2010 2:20 p.m.
Monday, 6 September
No post.
Tuesday, 7 September 2010
We went up to Smith Mountain Lake in Virginia
on Sunday. On Saturday night Bob had dropped me off around 6 to
pick up the truck and then go to the store. It was not finished when we
arrived but would be ready "in a few minutes" Long story short those
few minutes turned into three hours because they could not find the
noise it was making when they cranked it up. I called Bob to come back
and pick me up.
Sunday morning I finally made it to the store. When I got back we
called to make sure my truck was fixed then went to pick it up before
heading up to the lake. We had a good observing night including seeing
Jupiter as the brightest I have ever seen it. We stayed out until about
12:15. We took Malcolm along with us. Last time we left him with
Linda and he howled and barked the whole time. He slept in the back
seat from the time we got to the observing site until waking up around
10 making whinning noises. I gave him a drink of water and a chance to
walk around then put him back in the truck. Two hours later when Bob
opened the back for us to start putting away our stuff Malcolm had made
a nest of the blankets and pillows that we use for padding the scope
and gone back to sleep.
Yesterday morning we were up around 8. Linda wanted to take me out on
the jet ski to give me a tour of the lake. Their place is at one end of
the lake in a cove. We rode out several miles into the main part of the
lake. My first ride on a jet ski. It was a lot of fun. Of course when
we got back Malcolm started howling from the deck of their town house.
I called him to come down to the dock and he headed straight for the
lake. He got in about up to his belly by the time I had called him to
come out. I did not want a soaking wet dog riding two hours on the car
I caught up on my ironing yesterday afternoon then relaxed and read.
With no rain in the last two weeks the lawn has almost gone dormant. It
was not worth cranking up the mower to mow the high spots. Some of the
trees are already starting to shed leaves from all the dry weather.
Wednesday, 8 September 2010
No update.
Thursday, 9 September 2010
[Thursday] [Friday]
Although it is still warm, mid 80's, we have
very little humidity. Today was such a nice day I walked up the street
for lunch to Mellow Mushroom. It was a nice day to sit outside eating
and reading. We had about a tenth of an inch of rain yesterday around
the middle of the day. I drove over to the upholstery shop to pick up
the kitchen table bench cushions. They look really nice. I go by the
place every morning on my way to work but the don't open until 9 and
close at 4. It had just started sprinkling when I got to the shop. It
rained enough to wet the sidewalk and settle the dust but that's about
I went to the Y after work. I am reading another tea shop mystery by
Laura Childs, Oolong Dead. We are watching True Blood based on
the books by Charlaine Harris. I have not read the books but the tv
show is similar to the Twilight series I am reading but with a great
deal more sex and violence. One of my friends at work has read the
books and watched the show. Her opinion was the show is not that
closely related to the books other than the characters.
Friday 10 September 2010
Happy 27th Anniversary to Bob. We went to Zoe's for dinner.
It has been a long short week. I was not all that busy Tuesday and
Wednesday but yesterday and today the work load about doubled,
especially this afternoon. It seems like Fridays are a whole busier for
me than Mondays.
Time to relax, play some ball with Malcolm and watch something until time for bed and reading.
Saturday, 11 September 2010
[Saturday] [Sunday]
Sometime before day break we had a brief rain
shower but tt was not enough to spoil my yards plans for the day. I
edged then mowed getting mostly leaves and dead grass. I had to mow
down the liriope by the bedroom window under the sliver maple to make
it easier to get the leaves up. The silver maples always loose their
leaves early. We have another one in the back by the deck. The
red maples don't start dropping theirs until early to late October.
With all the dry weather it will be interesting to see what color the
leaves turn. Sometimes they deep red, other years more orange and
I was just finishing up around 12:30 when the real rain started. When I
checked the radar it looks like we have some decent rain coming in this
I still have a couple of inside things to do this afternoon then relax and reading time.
Sunday, 12 September 2010
[Sunday] [Next
House cleaning chores this morning. Before I
took off for my folks house I vacuumed out my truck. Mom, dad, and I
went to IHOP for lunch then I went by Frances and Al's on the way home
to pick up some stuff she had for me.
It's a nice day, a little warm, but there is a good breeze blowing.
This afternoon I cleaned off my desk, balanced the checkbook and paid some bills. Now time for golf and reading.
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