Fritchman Thompson Diary
of 11 October 2010
Latest Update: Sunday, 17 October 2010 1:40 p.m.
Monday, 11 October
dropped Malcolm off at the vet's office this morning for an ultrasound
to make sure his leakage problem is nothing serious and to do a culture
of his urine. Bob went back out to pick him up late this afternoon to
keep me from having to leave work early and so I could go on to the Y.
The ultrasound showed a little bit of swelling but nothing Sue was
concerned about. We are waiting on the results of the blood work and
urine culture before we take the next step.
I am reading a Kate Ellis mystery, The Marriage Hearse from her Wesley
Peterson series. Ellis is Canadian and her books are hard to find here
in the US. I think I ordered this 2006 novel and the next one in her
series from a small, independent bookstore in Canada I learned about
the year I went to the mystery conference Malice Domestic. They have
been sitting on my TBR shelf for a while. She has since published three
more which I will order at some point. The library had the books from
her earlier series but stopped getting them about four or five books
into the series. Bob and I both like her books.
Tuesday, 12 October 2010
Still not work from the doctor on my
MRI. If I don't hear something by tomorrow I will give them a call.
My back, legs, and overall mobility have greatly improved since I
started taking the prednisone. I am still having the numbness issues
in my left thigh which I want to discuss with the doctor before
refilling that prescription.
Since I did not go to the store last
week I made a quick stop on the way home for milk, drinks, and a few
things for my lunches.
We've been watching Castles and more
Brothers and Sisters.
Wednesday, 13 October 2010
No update.
Thursday, 14 October 2010
[Thursday] [Friday]
My friend Nancy's mother died last Sunday
afternoon. She was 93, and until recently, in fairly good health. A
couple of years ago Nancy was looking for someone to come sit with her
mom, take her out to run errands, etc. I hooked her up with my
friend Marcy who provides that type of service. Marcy continued to
visit Nancy's mom even after they had to move her from her home to a
nursing facility. So, last night Marcy and I went to the funeral home
then out to dinner afterwards.
We had a very brief thunderstorm move through this morning around 6:30
dropping about half an inch of rain before moving on out.
I finally heard back from the doctor on my MRI. Or rather, I called
them. When my doctor's partner in the practice called me back I
concluded my doctor is probably out this week. They did not find
anything serious other than the generative arthritis they found in my
lower back in the x-rays. Since I have some follow-up questions I will
wait to see if he calls me back next week.
The vet called Bob this afternoon. Malcolm has an e coli bacterial
infection in his bladder. I left work at 4:15, drove out to Clemmons to
pick up his medicine, then went on to the Y.
Friday 15 October 2010
Saturday, 16 October 2010
[Saturday] [Sunday]
I went over to the folks house around 10:30
this morning dropping off a load of cardboard at the recycling station
on the way. We first went to the grocery store then back home to drop
off the food. Then to lunch at K & W Cafeteria followed by a trip
to CVS. All that took most of the day which was not problem. I had
planned to spend as much time as they needed to get their errands run,
It was about 2:30 when I got back home. The day is just beautiful;
clear blue sky and warming up to the mid-60's with a pretty good breeze
from time to time. I was thinking out loud to Bob about needing to get
the leaves up in the yard but not wanting to disturb the seed and
fertilizer still on the ground. That 1/2 inch we had the other night
wash most of it in but I can still see some lying on the ground. He
suggested mulching which was actually a good idea since they were not
too thick. It only took about 45 minutes to mulch as opposed to an hour
plus to catch them or use the lawn vacuum.
I am readng the third book in the Twilight series by Stephenie Meyer, Eclipse, on load to me from a co-worker.
Sunday, 17 October 2010
[Sunday] [Next
Another pretty fall day, almost perfect
weather. I've had Malcolm out several times to run around the yard or
for a walk. After I finished the house cleaning I picked up the big
sticks I toss off to the side when I was mowing and put them in the
yard cart. I think I'll go sit outside on the front porch and read for
awhile. It's just too pretty to be indoors.
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