Fritchman Thompson Diary
of 9 May 2011
Latest Update: Sunday, 15 May 2011 1:50 p.m.
Monday, 9 May
A picture of me sitting in my new car. I love driving it though I must admit it is a new "look" for me from my Trooper image.

Colin at 12 weeks.
Tuesday, 10 May 2011
I am reading Carola Dunn's newest Daisy Dalrymple mystery Anthem for the Doomed.
Today was my Friday. I have the rest of the week off, tomorrow at home
and leaving Thursday morning for a short bus trip with the folks.
Colin continues to be a busy little boy. He is into everything but for
the most part is at least sleeping through the night. When one of us
wakes up during the night we take him out to try to prevent overnight
We've been watching the last six episodes of Lark Rise to Candleford.
BBC cancelled the show earlier this year. I will say this much for the
British. They do a good show and end it while it is still good, at
least most of the time, rather than go on and on like some of the US
Wednesday, 11 May 2011
I went to the grocery store this morning then
Bob and I made a Costco run. We wanted to do a trial run in the new car
to see how things will fit when we go with Paul and Mary. I also wanted
to look at vacuum cleaners. We always have a cooler for cold stuff plus
six packs of cokes for Bob, and non-cold stuff for us and them. While
we do not have as much height room to put the cooler on top of the
drinks we have more width since the Trooper had the wheel wells in the
I did not find a vacuum cleaner at Costco so Bob suggested we stop at
Wal-Mart where we found a Dirt Devil bagless canister for under $200. I
like a canister vac up here since we have all hardwood and tile floors.
After a quick lunch I mowed the lawn. We had just enough rain overnight
to make the grass soaking wet. With the lack of sunshine and wind it
was not drying out very fast so I used the bagger.
This afternoon I need to get packed and ready for my trip. We leave
from Level Cross at 6am for Hilton Head, SC about three hours from
here. We come back on Saturday. A nice, short trip, it will be good to
get away though I will miss Bob and Colin. I have to get up at 4am for
time to pick up the folks and get down there by 5:30.
Thursday, 12 May 2011
[Thursday] [Friday]
Friday 13 May 2011
Saturday, 14 May 2011
[Saturday] [Sunday]
Sunday, 15 May 2011
[Sunday] [Next
I arrived home last night around 9pm. We had
a great time on our trip. I really hated leaving Bob to full time puppy
duty but we had the trip planned long before we knew we would be losing
Malcolm and getting a puppy. I was not sure Colin had been with us long
enough to miss me but apprently he did. I got an enthusiastic greeting
from both him and Bob.
I spent the morning unpacking, putting things away, cleaning house and
bathrooms, etc., etc. We had an 1 1/2" of rain from time we left on
Thursday through last night. We had great weather on the trip, no rain
or storms at all until last night on the way back home. It was warm and
humid on the islands but not too bad overall.
This morning it was cloudy and wet but the sun finally came out enough
to dry the grass so I could mow this afternoon though the ground is
still wet and muddy. Sincethere are few scattered thunderstorms popping
up just west of us I wanted to get the mowing done just in case one
heads our way later this afternoon.
Trip pictures and details tomorrow.
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