Busy, busy day at work. We did a Costco run yesterday afternoon with Paul and Mary. We really did not need much other than drinks for Bob, stocking up on some extra canned goods with winter coming on and picking up a ham for Thanksgiving.
We were supposed to get some rain today and tonight but what moisture was to our west dissipated by the time it made it here.
Bob found us another new show to try, Heart of Dixie. When Bob mentioned it to Paul yesterday he said it was pretty bad. Mary said it was not all that bad. So, we tried a couple of episodes when we got home last night. So far, I find it pretty good. A transplanted doctor from New York goes to BlueBell Alabama when her fellowship falls through. As with most small towns in the US, it is hard to accepted if you “ain’t from around here”. The doctor she shares the practice with in particular wants her out of town so he can have the practice all to himself after the doctor who owned it died.