Sunday January 6, 2013

And so it continues. I was reading the paper when Al called at 8:15 this morning to tell me mom had called and dad was on the way to the hospital. Frances called back while I was getting dressed to say they were not on the way to the hospital but that dad’s legs were really swollen, he was talking out of his head; and having trouble breathing.

When I got to up the apartment the firemen were just leaving (they are first responders) and they had dad loaded on the gurney ready to put him in the ambulance. Mom had calmed down by that time mostly due to Frank (one of the Creekside managers) being up there to calm her down. He is so good. I told him about mom being so concerned about them having to call them all the time about dad. He talked with her about that on the way downstairs.

So, off to the hospital we go. By the time we were ready to head for the hospital Frances and Al had shown up. At 10:45, while they were running tests on dad, we went to find something to eat since none of us had breakfast. By the time we got back to the ER they were just getting ready to move dad to a room. Although his legs are swollen and he is over his maximum safe weight it was the pneumonia  that was causing the coughing and shortness of breath. While he is the hospital to treat that they will get some of the fluid weight down as well.

We have decided Frances will not stay with mom. She is very safe at Creekside and her hall neighbors and Frank will check on her to make sure she is okay. We also decided not to go the for sale by owner route with the house. It will much less hassle to let a real estate agent handle showing the house, lining up financial stuff, lawyers, closings etc.

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