A busy morning as usual. While Bob started washing the sheets and blankets from the bed I started on the weekly house cleaning chores. I worked some more on my office and my desk, finally getting things a little more organized. I put fresh sheets on the bed while the blanket was in the dryer, ate a snack for lunch, and finished up a couple of other little projects I had going on while doing the house cleaning.
This afternoon, more kit work, then after dinner heading over to dad’s. Frances called this morning with some concern over the way his leg looked around the stitches. She opted to take him to the nearby walk in emergency clinic rather than taking him to the zoo (hospital) emergency room. They handled things quickly and efficiently with a course of antibiotics and treatment suggestions. One being, irrigate with a saline solution, which Bob mixed up in the sink. (Thankfully it did NOT smell like turpentine and look like India Ink).