Last night when I got home from work Abby was here getting some help from Bob in establishing a domain name. While they were finishing up I came back to start checking my mail and write a few checks. When they finished up I came out to goodbye then fixed dinner. By the time we washed up and walked Colin I forgot to come back and finish checking my mail and updating my page.
This afternoon they transferred dad from the hospital to a rehab/nursing facility in Clemmons; about fifteen minutes from Winston. The social worked called earlier in the day to let me know he was being discharged to that facility and did I want to take him. I told her to arrange transport. Al had taken mom over the hospital this morning to sit with dad and be there when they moved him. I e-mailed Frances to let her know. They were moving him around 3:30 so Frances and I both left work at 3:45. We had a lot of paperwork to sign, medications to go over, food preferences, etc. The hope is that this will be short term until he gets off the IV antibiotics and gets strong enough to get up by himself. He is not very happy but I can’t blame him. His life has changed so much in the past six months. I think he feels like he no longer has any control over what happens to him but this was our only option.
I did not get home until almost 7. We were having left overs anyway since it would have been gym night. My new PC seems to be working fine.