Bob and I took off this morning to Pet Smart and Lowe’s. Bob needed stuff for the kits and we needed fluorescent tubes for the basement. Many of them are the original ones from when we installed them well over twenty years ago.
Last weekend we had our annual bulky item pickup by the city to haul off junk. The scavengers keep an eye on where the pickup is each week and troll the neighborhoods for stuff. If they did not leave such a mess going through the stuff it is actually a neat way to recycle things others do not want. I always save a few things to put out the city will not take but I know someone else will. This year I put the round cement edgers from the small flower bed in the front. I am converting it to grass like I did the other small bed on the same side of the yard.
This morning when we got back from running errands I leveled the dirt, seeded, and fertilized the area in hopes we do get the rain promised for later today and tomorrow. I also added more dirt and seed to the patch I did a few weeks ago. I put top soil and seed in a few other small bare spots as well. Hopefully the yellow pollen season is about over with.
This afternoon I will work on kit stuff for Bob.