Tuesday April 30, 2013

Frances and I met at the nursing home last night after work to pack up dad’s belongings and take him back to Creekside. I spent the night with them just to make sure dad was able to get around by himself.

This morning he had a 9:30 follow up doctor appointment with his family physician. We discussed medications, etc. and the doctor removed his picc line for the IV antibiotics. Dad is having the usual issues associated with CHF. A fine line between kidney function and keeping the fluid off. The doctor reduced his fluid medications for a week when I take him back next Tuesday for more blood work and see where we stand. It by almost noon by the time we got back to Creekside making it 12:45 by the time I finally arrived at work.

I worked until 5 then took off for the Y. After a warm day yesterday it turned off cloudy and windy this afternoon.

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