Working straight through from 8:10 to 3:30 I was able to get almost my full 7.5 hours in for today. I had a very busy morning with the project I needed to get started on. I was able to get at least get the first phase finished since I have to take tomorrow off.
Dad will be discharged from the hospital in the morning to the same nursing home Lenore was in for the last year of her life, The Brian Center. It is supposed to be good place for rehab which is what we hope will help dad to get back on his feet. My friend Bonnie’s mother is there on the first floor where the more ambulatory patients live. Hopefully he will go from the second floor to the first floor soon if a room opens up.
I left at 3:30 to go visit mom since I had not been since she was admitted. She is doing better though they are still trying to determine exactly what is going on with her cough and lungs. She looked much better and said she felt better than she did a few days ago. I stayed for an hour an half then headed on home.
While I was cooking dinner I checked the weather. There were a few tiny little showers in the area but nothing showed up for us. The little block in the left hand corner said “expect dry conditions for the next six hours”. We ate a quick dinner then I headed out to mow. Just as I was about finished with the front it started sprinkling then turned into one of those fine rain soaker downpours. I finished the front and called it a night. I can mow the back tomorrow after or evening depending on how the day goes.