Thursday July 4th, 2013

Happy Birthday USA!

We worked on the basement this morning.We moved the storage bins from the cinder block/pressed board shelving, dismantled, and moved the 12 foot plus shelf unit from the middle of the basement in its place. We had to tilt the shelving unit sideways for it to go under the duct work. Bob replaced the bins while I started working on the “farming” side of the basement in front of where the Trooper is parked. We had moved my car out to make room for the shelving project and so I could sweep the floor. I flatted the smaller cardboard boxes for the recycling cart and the large ones to go in my car.

I still need to work on getting the far outside wall organized and cleaned up but otherwise things are looking much better and Bob needs to finish organizing the stuff on the two work tables.

We finished up that project around 12:30. After lunch I took a shower then took off for the grocery and drug stores and to drop off the flattened cardboard.

It’s warm and humid with finally some sunshine breaking through this afternoon. This morning it poured rain off and on several times. So far, since yesterday, we’ve had another inch and a half on top of what we had earlier in the week. The yard is like a rice paddy.

This afternoon I plan to work on my picture projects for awhile in my office. I have a card table set up with stuff piled on and under neath to sort. Bob also downloaded another batch of books for me to sort on my Kindle.


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