The usual Sunday morning cleaning chores are complete. This afternoon I went to the driving range to hit a bucket of balls. It was the first time since May of last year. It has probably been at least two years (before my knee replacement in October of 2011) since I have actually played a round. Last year dad had finally gotten to the point where he could not play. I had intended at some point for me to play and let dad ride around with me but he was in and out the hospital too much even last year to do that.
And, we spent every weekend in the fall moving the folks and cleaning out the house. This year, between both of them being sick, work, house, yard, and Bob’s kits golf has still been at the bottom of the list of things to do. Now that we have lost dad, I also lost my golfing partner.
There is a really nice little executive course near Frances and Al’s house. It was closed for awhile but has recently been remodeled and is now open. My goal now is to try to get over there or our regular course, Wilshire, and play at least once in awhile.