Friday August 2, 2013

The months just keep flying by. It was a very busy, hectic day at work yesterday. However, I did make it to the Y.

Today was much quieter day at work though we did have some minor excitement. I work on the 10th floor. Around 10 this morning a preying mantis showed up on the window in the attorney office across from me. He was not here today. The square building has very large windows surrounding the building where the attorney’s have their offices. across the hall are the offices, file rooms, etc. The mantis clung to the window for about two hours moving perhaps six inches or so upward. When I came back from lunch it had moved over to a position partly on the glass and partly on the frame dividing the two big windows. Later this afternoon it moved up the frame, turned so the head was facing toward the ground, folded up the front legs in the preying position and there it stayed the rest of the day. It was still there when I left work.

This evening I mowed the lawn after we ate dinner. It was warm and humid.

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