Saturday November 9, 2013

The big push. Close to four hours in the yard today. I trimmed back some of the big hostas in the back and picked up limbs. While Bob used the blower on the natural areas in along the front of the house I started vacuuming the lawn. One side he blew to the side of the house, the other, to the driveway. Once I finished the lawn I helped rake while he blew the big pile of leaves down the driveway.

I then started on the side yard getting those blown down toward the back. I had not touched the leaves in the natural area along the deck and under the maple. Between what we swept off the deck last weekend and what had been lying on the ground for a month, they were waist high even before I started on what was under the tree. I took a quick lunch break then Bob came out to help blow while I raked because the pile was so big to move. Other than the few left to fall on the back maple and the one in the front all the other trees are finished. I can manage what does come down the next few weeks with the vacuum. I need to finish cutting back the rest of the hosta, liriope, and the hydrangeas in the back and do one last mowing.

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