Guess I spoke too soon. The phone rang at 2am this morning. Mom had pushed her Lifeline button complaining of chest pains and difficulty breathing. Frances was already on her way to the apartment when I called her. By the time she got there EMS had her loaded up for the hospital as a precautionary measure.
The doctors did some tests and sent her home at 6:30 this morning. I got home around 7am and tried to get some sleep but mainly just rested for an hour before getting back up. I ran some errands then, while the downstairs freezer was defrosting I filled about 45 sandwich bags with sand for kits.
I spent the afternoon here are my desks doing some paperwork and going over my list of books. Between my Kindle and what I try to get from the library I have two notebooks going plus my Kindle spreadsheet of what I have downloaded. As I see new titles in series I know I/we read I jot them down in one notebook. After awhile if they do not show up at the library I move them to my little notebook to either look for at the bookstore when I have a coupon, have Bob order them from Amazon, or see if they show up cheap for the Kindle. Now that we have the one book a month free with Prime I may get some of the series the library does not have that I had to purchase.
It was raining when we took Colin out for last time last night. When I left for the hospital this morning it was just sprinkling. Other than about ten minutes this afternoon it has been a dreary, drippy day not conductive to my plans to finish up some yard projects in the back.