Saturday December 7, 2013

Yesterday afternoon I took mom to her eye doctor appointment. I don’t think she had been since her cataract surgery 10 years ago even though she goes to the Baptist Hospital eye clinic where they volunteered. Turns out, she has almost 20/20 vision both up close and distant. We spent a little time after her appointment visiting several of the departments where she volunteered before it time to pick up Al and come back to our side of town to meet Frances for dinner at Southern Family restaurant.

This morning I was out early to both Lowe’s; grocery store and home improvement, the pet store and drugstore, and the library to pick up a book which  started reading during my lunch break. The book is Leslie Meier’s newest mystery  Christmas Carol Murder.

I’ve spent the rest of the day helping Bob downstairs. We flattened a load of boxes for the recycle bin, organized his work table, and made up small parts bags for 23 kits.


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