I am reading a new author on my Kindle Ellen Elizabeth Hunter. Murder on the Ghost Walk is the first book in her Magnolia mystery series set in Wilmington, NC.
Frances and Al took mom to the doctor this morning. As we had hoped he is fairly certain we are dealing with an infection rather than or at least in addition to a depression issue. He started her on Cipro until the lab results come back to at least start knocking down the infection.
After the doctor visit and a stop at the imaging place for a lung x-ray they took mom back home. Frances called the care giver we use to see if she could start taking care of mom tonight. I left work at 3:45 to go pick her up from Frances’ and take her back to Creekside. Her caregiver arrived soon after. We will have round the clock care until we make sure mom is back to full strength both mentally and physically.