Mom had an appointment with Dr. Jones her psychiatrist yesterday afternoon. The last few weeks have been up and down with a few good days or hours and lots of bad ones. We had told her care giver to go home for the weekend when I picked her up yesterday and to let her try staying by herself last night through the weekend. She had a bad day yesterday and told me in the car on the way to the doctor she could not stay by herself Friday night.
When she sees Dr. Jones he talks with her first then comes out to the lobby and calls me back. We are usually there about half an hour total. It was maybe five minutes when he came back out to get me. As Frances and I figured he suggested we put her in the hospital again where she was last year. He treats his patients at Thomasville Medical Center. Last year she went in on Friday February 22nd and came home March 5th. Hopefully he can get her meds back on track and get her well enough to go back to Creekside.
I called Frances from Dr. Jones’ office at 4:45 to let her know. I drove back to Creekside to pack mom’s suitcase while Frances and Al were both coming to Creekside, her from work and Al from home. By the time we drove to the hospital and got her settled in it was going on 9. We stopped in High Point for a quick bite of dinner. I finally got home a little after 10.
This morning I went to the grocery store. This afternoon I will work on kit stuff for Bob. It’s 36 degrees but we have winds of 20 to 25 mph with 40 mph gusts.