Monday March 3, 2014

I am reading Dead and Buried, published in 2012, by Stephen Booth. He has published once since this one and has a new one coming out. It finally showed up in our library system holdings.

We’ve had a mixed bag of weather from Mother Nature today. This morning it was thundering and pouring rain. By midday the sleet and freezing rain had started falling sporadically in the area. Most of the folks on my floor started heading home around 12:30 to 1:00. I drove the Trooper in anticipation of the weather getting bad this afternoon as predicted. When I left at 4:30 the streets were wet with a few slick spots with a moderate amount of traffic. But about halfway home it started pouring down snow. By the time I turned off the main roads the streets were white all the way to the house. I had put it in 4 wheel when I left the parking garage just in case the roads turned bad.

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