Wednesday March 12, 2014

It’s been ONE OF THOSE DAYS!. For various reasons we had mom’s main full time caregiver removed from the job this morning. Frances left work at 11 to go sit with mom and wait wait on the nursing supervisor and company owner (who is very hands on) to get to Creekside to things organized for a replacement. They called Tonya, the alternate caregiver that gives the one we fired her days off, to come in at 4:30 this evening instead of coming on Friday.

I cleared the decks at work and left at 3pm to relieve Frances so she could go back to work. The nursing supervisor called at 4:30 to let me know the caregiver was running late and would not be able to make it until 6:00.

About 5:00 the anticipated cold front came through bringing high winds and strong storms. I took mom on down for dinner and sat in the lobby area to wait on Tonya and called Bob to let him know I would later than planned. 6pm came and went, still no Tonya. At 6:30 I took mom back up the apartment. While I was on the phone trying to call the nursing supervisor Bob left me voice mail that the power was out here. While all this was going on Tonya showed up. I left Creekside, stopped to pick up some dinner, and arrived home after 7pm. Bob came down to manually open the garage door for me.

We ate and read our books by battery powered lanterns and book lights. The power came on at 9:25PM, roughly 3 hours later. The winds are still gusting to 46 mph. The house is creaking and the wind is howling around the corners of the house.

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