Yes, you have been redirected to my new journal page. I am now posting on WordPress. If you are not familiar with this format, new posts show up at the top of the page each day. I will be able to add categories to my posts to help you, the reader, find links to neat stuff I talk about. And, you can now post comments. I use my journal page as much for me as I do for you to help me keep track of things I do, books I’ve read, etc.
This morning I had three scoops of mulch delivered. I had them dump it about midway down the driveway. Since Bob needed to get out to go to the post office to mail more kits he pulled the Trooper out before they got here.
I had two thirds of it dumped and spread in a little over an hour and half. Since I did not have to wheel barrow it more than a few feet to the area by the driveway where I killed the liriope it did not very long. The other third went to the natural area across the yard by the street.
Colin had his first day of running around loose while I was working in the yard. I attached a short lead to his collar in case I needed to get him stopped quickly. He spent most of the time running back and forth across the lawn with a stick in his mouth. He was pretty good about staying in the yard. He ran out once to greet the guy across the street and another time when our neighbor Mimi was coming over.
After I finished spreading mulch I mowed. Even with the rain we had the other night the ground is still pretty dry.