House cleaning this morning. I had Colin out to play then edged and mowed the lawn. The Bermuda was getting pretty high, otherwise I just mowed up a lot of dead grass and leaves. It’s another warm and humid day. I finished up just before noon before it got too hot.

This afternoon Bob and I working on processing more chemical bottles for the kits. Instead of just doing the labels he is filling the bottles while I cap and label.

We received in the mail yesterday Colin’s registration his breeder submitted to the American Border Collie Association. Since Colin’s dad came from the same breeder as Duncan and Malcolm I wanted to compare his lineage with theirs. Sure enough, Colin is related to both their mom’s, Trixie, and Duncan’s dad Roscoe. You can see the personality traits in Colin from both Malcolm and Duncan but more so from Duncan. Once Colin grows out his puppy stage I believe his temperament will be very much like Duncan’s. I pretty much guessed he also had some Kent Kuykendall bred dogs in his line from his prick ears. I saw enough Border Collies back when I did rescue to almost be able to recognize dogs from the different breeders.




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