Saturday June 7, 2014

Cloudy and cool today. I had several outdoor chores on my list for this morning. The chair on the front porch needed some freshening up. I used Clorox and then 409 to clean the webbing which is good shape, just discolored and a little mildewing looking. The metal framing around the seat and back and the arms had some rusting. I hosed off the chair and set it dry in the sun while I started my next project. I put the power nozzle on the hose to clean the gutter edges and sides and underneath the eaves front and back. I also washed down the front shutters and the siding on the front of the porch. After doing a few other odds and ends the chair was dry and ready to paint.

I used the same paint I used on the columns. It’s a little lighter than the original chair color but it looks okay with the webbing. While I was waiting on the first coat to dry I did a few things in the house then back out to do a second coat. All finished, showered, and fixing lunch by 12:30.

This afternoon I need to iron then tape some bottles for Bob. I am leaving at 4:30 to meet Bonnie for dinner in Clemmons then were driving over to the Yadkinville Arts Center to see Red June, a folk trio from Asheville, NC.



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