I met Marcy last night for dinner at an Italian restaurant.
This morning I had my pre-surgery physical by my doctor. They did an EKG, checked my heart, etc. He said that doctors will not do elective surgeries until patients have physicals first to check for high cholesterol. circulation problems, and other similar issues. That was my first EKG which I passed with flying colors.
Rather than drive all the way in to work for an hour and then come almost all the way home to go to the doctor I waited to go in after my appointment. My doctor is only five minutes from where we live. It was almost noon by the time I got in. I had packed my lunch to save time from having to stop and grab something on the way. I worked until 5 instead of leaving at my usual 4:45 on Y nights.
We are having some really nice, fall type weather. It was actually 59 degrees this morning and only got up into the high 70’s today.