House cleaning chores this morning. I also worked some more on my office and desk creating file folders for all the travel stuff from the recent trip in Virginia and some stuff Frances and Al brought back from their trip to the NC Outer Banks for next year. We are slowly but surely getting things settled with mom’s estate. We still have a few more things waiting on to be completed but we are about 90% finished.
This afternoon we met Frances and Al at Sam’s Club to see what they have to offer. They do sell bulk packaging of several of the canned products we use but they do not sell at Costco. Otherwise they sell the same brands and quantities with similar or higher prices. My only problem is they do not take Visa or AMEX credit cards; only debit. While I don’t mind writing a check using our credit cards pays us back in cash. We may just continue to go with Frances and Al for now.
Another cloudy and cool day temperature wise but humid. We’ve had a couple of light showers off and on. I’m grilling beef ribs and chicken breasts for dinner with pasta salad.