I met Frances at the bank after work to close out another part of mom’s estate. On the way I stopped at Home Depot to pick up a couple of bags of mulch. After we finished up at the bank we grabbed a bite to eat at Longhorn Steakhouse then I stopped at the grocery store on the way home.
This morning I top dressed the new flower bed with the mulch. It’s been so dry there really isn’t much grass to mow, even the Bermuda is not very high. I picked up sticks, trimmed off the dead primrose leaves, and did a few other assorted chores. Since the new bed needed a good watering I set the sprinkler up to water the bed and the grass much to the delight of a robin who pranced around under the water and took a bath in the puddle on the sidewalk. Once that side was watered enough I moved the sprinkler to the other side of the front lawn and gave it a good watering. The back yard is looking sad too but it will have to wait on the next rain storm.
This afternoon I will work in kit projects for Bob. It was terribly humid this morning but only 82 degrees and no breeze. We finally had a bit if a breeze while I was sitting on the front porch taking a break before I turned off the sprinkler and came in to fix lunch. No real chance if rain in sight until perhaps Tuesday of next week.