
I woke up around 7 to what sounded like rain. Hum, not supposed to rain today. It was a short shower. The rest of the day has been cloudy with off and on drizzle. The Firm picnic was at the zoo in Ashboro today. I went several years ago when it was there but had not planned to go this year.

I cleaned house this morning hoping that by tomorrow it will be dry enough to mow the lawn. I don’t want the leaves to matte down into the yard where the grass seed is trying to come up.

I had just finished the house cleaning when Frances called. She was concerned because mom was back in bed with more stomach issues. With her having had the blockage several years ago I was concerned she was having those issues again. I called dad and told him I was on the way over as soon as I had my shower.

When I arrived mom put up quit a fight about going to the hospital. I finally convinced her we were going. Forsyth Hospital has a much better emergency system than Baptist. She was in triage in about five minutes after we arrived then they took her on back. Dad went back with her then we swapped places about an hour later. Turns out she had a UTI, which, at her age is nothing to take lightly. They pumped her full of antibiotics and sent her home with a prescription of more of the same. She was feeling much better by the time we got back home.


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