Wednesday February 4, 2015

This morning Bob drove me to the grocery store and sat in the car while I picked up a few things we needed.

I filled and labeled Lima bean  bottles. After lunch I picked up sticks and limbs from the back yard then had Bob roll the yard cart to the front. By the time finished the front yard the cart was completely full. It’s a very nice day, mid 50’s and not much wind. I enjoyed getting out in the fresh air and getting some exercise. I think he has more kit stuff for me this afternoon.

I have those protruding extra bones in the bottom of both sides of my mouth. When I had my surgery, I guess it was the anesthesiologist, when he was putting the tube in my mouth gouged out a place in mouth just behind one of those bones. It’s has not healed and had started making my teeth hurt on that side. I called my dentist yesterday morning and got in to see him yesterday afternoon at 4:15. With knee replacement surgery you have to be very careful of infection. While the pain did not feel like it did when I had to have the root canal a couple of months ago, I still wanted to get it checked out. After looking things over he prescribed a gel and said to call him if it did not get better. Because of lack of blood flow in that area of the mouth he said it may take a while for it to heal. He did not want to do an x-ray since the area was already sensitive but said he would do one later if necessary. The gel is helping and I am being careful not to bite down hard on that side.

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