I had a long list of errands to run this morning. I left the house around 9:30 and got back home about 12:20. One of the stops was a local furniture store that has been in Winston for a long time. At one time they had two stores, one of which was located just down the road from where we live. Bob’s mom liked to shop with them for furniture and we bought our current mattress from them sometime in the mid to late 1990’s. They have since closed the store out here but still have the one in the middle of town. Frances recommended one of the salesmen they know. After I told him what I was looking for he showed me two mattresses, gave me a pillow and a little throw away cover for it and left me lie down and try them out. Half an hour later I had made up my mind but waited to order until I was home to talk it over with Bob. I have called them back and ordered the new mattress to be delivered in a couple of weeks. I need time to get a new mattress pad, bed spread, etc. With the dogs being allowed on the bed I buy cheap bed spreads and replace them every few years.
We are finally getting some warm, sunny weather. Today is a high of 53 with a breeze.