Day 12. I am now fully on light duties around the house. Cooking dinner, drying and putting away dishes, emptying the trash, etc. Last week I helped with the house cleaning chores which I shall to again tomorrow. There is not much Bob actually has to do for me now except help to carry my bowl or plate of food from the kitchen to the den. He has the table covered with photo shoot layouts for the biology book so I am eating breakfast in the den as well as lunch and dinner as we usually do. I could walk around without my cane but I like to have it for support just in case.
When we go off he comes around and picks my up out front. I will not try to the stairs up and down to the basement until I go back to the doctor.
This afternoon we drove out to pick up my prescription, get gas in the car and go to the pet store and library. I went into the library myself to get my books and Bob went in with me to get the dog food and bird seed.
It is a very nice, sunny, cool day. I have to wear the compression hose until I go back to the doctor so I am in shorts but the hose keep my legs warm. I would not be able to stand to have pants on over them for one they would be too hot and the other the friction would be very annoying.
Marcy is picking my at 5 to go to dinner. We are just going around the corner to Coppolas but it will nice to get out for dinner.