Cold weather has arrived once again in Sparta. Low’s last night down into the 20’s. We’ve had snow showers off and on all day. This morning when I went to the bank and the Wellness Center it was snowing hard enough to see it blowing on the road but it’s too dry a snow to stick to anything.
Last October when we came up to look at houses and decided we liked this house and this area we went by the Center so I could check it out. The desk attendant gave me a quick tour and a free pass in the event we did ending up moving here. I used it today and picked up the membership paperwork to join.
This afternoon I am working on getting the fragile stuff unwrapped from the two big boxes in the foyer closet and the small boxes I had stacked in our closet. We also moved all the “ready to ship” kit boxes from the laundry room to the foyer closet. The laundry room is too small and narrow.
Bob is working on the unfinished area getting it ready to go into production mode. I will take a break from up here and go down to help him with that project when he is ready for my help.