We had some fairly heavy rain and thunderstorms last night. We went from a high of 61 yesterday to a low of 29 this morning with snow showers. It is currently 28.
We drove down to Winston this morning. I had a 10:45 hair cut and a 12:20 dentist appointment. One of my teeth that has had a crown on it for a long time started hurting over the weekend and became worse by Monday. We had originally planned a trip down for tomorrow (Thursday) but the best they could do for an appointment was for today. I called Pam to reschedule my haircut for today as well. While I was out an about Bob worked at the house on his office closet and his lab. I was back at the house a little after one. I took a few minutes to pick up the worst of the sticks and limbs in the front yard then we loaded up some more stuff and headed back up the mountain.
I have a Monday appointment with the root canal doctor but if they get a cancellation for tomorrow or Friday they will call and I will go back down.