Happy Birthday Frances!!
Colin did another middle of the night runner like he did in Winston a few months ago. As Bob said, he looked along the fence line but I did a another search along there then started down our road on our old usual morning walk. Starting this week instead of taking him down through the gas station to the field we are walking him to the back down by the fence line and the natural area. With an acre and half he should have enough area to sniff around in to do his business.
After no luck around our house and the immediate area Bob took the car to drive up and down 21 and the side road across the street while I headed back down our road and the gas station. I had just walked past the driveway to the gas station when I heard a jingle behind me and here he came. I told him in the house and he took off for the front porch. Even though I walked down that way calling him I am pretty sure the whole time he was down in that lower field. I think he missed being able to go down there to sniff around. He is like Duncan was, when he turns on his sniffer he turns off his ears. Fortunately at 2am there was no traffic on the roads.
This morning we filled six big bottles with bread flour. This afternoon I vacuumed and dusted and cleaned the bathrooms.