Another chilly, windy, cloudy day. I started moving the mulch pile around 9 this morning. I had it dumped in the new bed along the porch which is long but not all that wide which meant a lot of the pile spilled out in the yard. My goal this morning was to at least get that part of the pile off the yard.
I moved about six wheel barrow loads out to the mail box. The previous owners had an area marked out where the grass had been killed but had never done anything with it. Instead of putting down landscaping edging I just made a free formed bed.
After spreading the mulch in the new bed on either side of the big pile and moving some to the other two beds I still have a good bit left but it is all on the bed and off the lawn. That took about two hours. I stopped moving mulch to plant all the stuff I brought up from the house. I still have the lamb’s ear Bonnie gave me to plant in the back natural area.
It just so happens I was standing out front taking a little break when a young deer came bounding around the side of the house into the front yard. She cut across the lawn toward the street, took a right down the neighbor’s drive and into the woods behind their house.