Saturday April 15, 2017

With partly cloudy skies, temperatures close to 70, and not much wind I decided to work outside this morning. I used the hoe to dig along the top layer of the garden to get the weeds trying to take over until it’s time to till. They were not very deep and easy to hoe up and throw in a bucket. Last fall I planted three little bushes along the edge of natural area. One did fine over winter since it was further up the yard and somewhat protected. One looks okay and one may not have made. That corner back there is not very well protected and the wind and cold did them in. I dug up all three and moved them to my new garden area by the driveway. Until I decide what else I want to plant in there I will hold off top dressing it with mulch. I think the same thing happened to my little shrubs along the front walk. I will leave them the ground for now to see if they come back.

I have a shift at the Alleghany Historical Museum this afternoon.


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