The day started out cloudy and breezy with a pretty good rain shower about 9 am. The sun came out mid-morning to warm things up the low 60’s. It’s back to partly cloudy again this afternoon.
First thing this morning I very bravely pulled out the bread recipe. Bob always measured and I mixed. We use the King Bread flour web site recipe for no knead bread. It looked “normal” when I mixed it up. After two hours the dough had risen as it should. It’s now in the fridge. I will bake it for dinner and see how it turned out.
After getting the bread dough mixed I went down to work in the lab. I pulled out all the boxes on and under the built in shelf to see what was what. Not really too much once I sorted it all. Some of it was stuff we packed and brought up from Winston and stored as is.
This afternoon I took Colin out to play. I sat on the porch for awhile enjoying the nice weather.
Sounds like you have everything well under control. Don’t underestimate yourself. Believe it or not, Bob is watching over your shoulder and I and many others have you and Colin in our prayers.
Peace and Hope