
Another dreary, rainy day and the high is to only be 45 with a breeze. We had 3/4 of an inch of rain yesterday and last night.

Costco run and dinner last night with Paul and Mary. I hate going to Costco on Saturday but Paul and Mary have Super Bowl plans for this evening. The traffic is horrible and it’s way too crowded with some people not shopping but using it as a free dinner stop tasting all the samples.

This morning I ironed then did the weekly house cleaning chores. After my shower I went downstairs to help Bob assemble small parts bag items for the chemistry kits. While I was in the basement I also cleared off the top shelf where we stored the extra staples we buy at Costco such as paper products, peanut butter, baked beans, etc. Bob is going to start using all those shelves along that wall for his kit stuff. We cleared the middle shelves months ago. I moved the food items up here. They fit nicely behind the door to the dinning room. I have a couple of those small wire shelving units that are mostly  used in cupboards. Using those keeps the food off the floor even though it is jars and cans. I found another place in the basement for the paper products.

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