
I did the weekly shopping yesterday at Wal-Mart since I needed to pick up a few things I cannot find at Lowe’s or Harris Teeter. It was a zoo in there as usual. After unloaded the groceries Bob and I had a short errand to run then stopped at Bojangles to pick up some chicken for dinner. It has been, literally years, since we have bought their chicken. If I do get take out chicken it has been from KFC. I suggested we try theirs for a change. Glad we did, much better than KFC.

This morning I did some work at my desk then more kit stuff for Bob which I will continue to work on this afternoon. It is a nasty day to be outside with winds gusting up to 30 mph and temperatures in the 30’s. Tonight’s wind chill is to be near or below 0. We have snow in the mountains but it did not make it this far.

On windy days walking Colin is dangerous not necessarily from falling branches, but from having your arm pulled out of its socket. He likes to chase the leaves and pounce on them. He will whip around in all different directions without warning as he spots leaves skittering down the street or in a yard. If he catches me at a bad angle with my arm or wrist I just let go of the leash. He will not go far with it dragging behind him.

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