Wednesday May 30, 2018

And the saga continues. I should add the soggy continues as we’ve had more rain today which do not need.

I posted yesterday Rick and I aborted the project of moving all my stuff to his hosting service. He posted on Bob’s journal page Tuesday, I think, about the issues. I was still not able to get mail on Thunderbird yesterday but could see it on web mail. Rick had to put in a call to Dreamhost for me to get a callback because I could not get it work on Bob’s computer in Dreamhost. By 6:30 the tech guy had my mail pointing to a different address and all was well.

This morning same issue but I could not see mail on my web client either. I sent an e-mail back to the tech guy at the help desk this morning letting him know things had gone south again and ask to have a call back. Just after I sent e-mail from Bob’s account, it too went south with the same error. Now I had no e-mail at all. Heard nothing from Dreamhost by the time I needed to leave for my shift at the Wellness Center from 11 to 4. I even tried putting a ticket request from their website from the gym and it would not go through.

Rick is on the road. So, I posted an SOS on Bob’s journal page asking if someone would be able to put in a tech call back appointment for me for 4:30 this afternoon.  Nick posted a message Dreamhost was having issues on the servers I was mapped to so it may not be me. Mail is still down so I am hoping it is still me.

Nick, if I see Dreamhost has fixed the problem on their site and I still have mail issues, I may need you to put in a ticket for me. I hate Dreamhost in that you can’t call them but have to use that on-line ticket stuff and I, so far, have not been able to get it to work here or at the gym.

After three days of this my stress level has about maxed out.

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3 Responses to Wednesday May 30, 2018

  1. nick flandrey says:

    Hi Barbara, I’m home…

    and I see that they are still having problems, but have changed to yellow from red.

    If you can wait until tomorrow, maybe they’ll get it straightened out. I’m pretty sure they will blame the outage if we contact them while it’s going on.

    Really bad luck to have it happen just after Rick was attempting the move. I’m hoping, fingers crossed, that the issue is theirs.


  2. barbara says:

    Still not working this morning. Yes, I am waiting until they get things fixed. Thanks for being on standby for me.

  3. nick flandrey says:

    Hi Barbara, I see that they have pushed a fix, whatever that means, but are still waiting to see if it worked.

    I’m about to leave the house for a few hours, fingers crossed it gets fixed.


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