
The rain turned to sleet then finally to snow late yesterday afternoon. Colin had his first snow experience when we took him out later that night. It did not snow enough to cover the ground until after dark. I wanted to take Colin out to play soccer ball in the snow. Instead, upon going out the first time he ate some before romping all over the place skidding in the street. This morning we had a picture post card of snow clinging to every surface and roughly an inch or so on the ground. We decided it was not bad enough to have to drive the Trooper. The neighborhood streets were covered but once out to the main roads they were just wet with a few black ice patches. As usual, once I got downtown the street were partially covered but passable.

I had a haircut after work then several errands to run. That was one of the reasons I wanted to drive my car since I had lots of starts and stops to make this evening.

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