Thursday June 28, 2018

I am reading Proof of life by J.A. Jance in her J.P Beaumont series.

I started the morning by baking a dish of nutty oatmeal bars from the recipe on one of the cooking shows I watch on Create TV. They looked like a good alternative to the oatmeal chocolate chip I like to bake. While they cooked I cleaned up the kitchen and started the dish washer running.

When I headed outdoors around 9:30 it was very cloudy and windy looking like it would rain any minute. I finished weeding out the grass and yarrow from the butterfly garden and planted the new stuff I bought including the ground cover in its spot. The sun finally came out late morning. I came in to check the weather forecast around 11:30. It had gone from 40% to 20% chance of rain. Great. We do not need any rain and James needs to be able to mow this afternoon. The grass is really high.

While in the house for a lunch break I cut up some Italian sausage from Costco and put it in the slow cooker with a jar of spaghetti sauce for my dinner tonight.

Back outside I weeded the grass from the garden and checked on the veggies. The beans are looking good as is the zucchini and the tomato plants. The sun is out but it’s still windy.



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