Wednesday June 5, 2019

66 degrees, cloudy, and calm but humid. I left here around 7:45 for Winston. I had a 9:30 haircut appointment. From there I made stops at the pet store to pick up dog food for Colin and Lowe’s to pick up two 40 lb bags of birdseed for the birds. Then on to Costco for big stock up run. Along with the several large packages of my pork and beef ribs and both chicken thighs and legs I picked up cereal and canned goods for the pantry, etc along with 8 cases of water. I had one of those orange flat carts loaded by the time I was finished.

It was noon by the time I had everything packed into coolers and in the car to head back up the mountain.

So, between the dog and bird food bags and 8 cases of water all lifted three times; once in the store, once into the car, and unloaded at home I had a full gym workout this morning. I was not hot in Winston but it was very humid; as it is here. I hit rain on the way back up the mountain and it’s raining lightly now. Next task is  to repackage the ribs into meals and the grated cheese into small bags.

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4 Responses to Wednesday June 5, 2019

  1. nick flandrey says:

    Sounds like a lot of work! Gotta train the animals to pull their weight 🙂 (seriously though, you can open a bag and move the stuff a bucketful at a time if needed. Don’t hurt yourself.)

    I’m interested to hear how your potatoes come out. I thought about doing a potato tower this year, but as you know if you’ve been following along, I got a late start on the garden and missed my chance. Normally I wouldn’t grow potatoes since they are so cheap, but I’d like to know if I can, just in case.

    I haven’t killed this year’s zukes and cukes yet, so there is hope…

    Take care, and scritch Colin for me.


  2. RickH says:

    Kind thoughts to you on the anniversary of Robert’s entry into this world. He is missed.

    And an extra virtual skritch for Colin.

  3. Barbara Fritchman Thompson says:

    Thanks Rick. Will give Colin a an extra scratch behind the ears from you.

  4. Barbara Fritchman Thompson says:

    Nick, thanks. Colin will get several extra behind the ear scratches tonight. I will post on my page how the potatoes turn out. I plant Kennebec potatoes because they are so good and hard to find in the stores here. Hopefully the squash and beans will do well.

    And, yes, I still follow Bob’s journal page to keep with things over there.

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