I went to the Y last night. Tonight I mowed. The city empties the yard carts on Thursdays. I have been on a weekend mowing schedule but I need the yard cart empty this week so I can dispose of the trimmings when I do the bushes. There was enough room in the cart to dump the front yard grass. I had planned to dump the back yard grass back in my natural area corner. As I was finishing up the front Bob came out to walk Colin. He suggested I try mulching the back. It’s always hard in the spring to know when the grass is no longer sappy so I can switch from catching to mulching. I had told him while we were eating dinner I was not sure if I was going to mow tonight and catch or wait and mow tomorrow night and try to mulch. There was no problem mulching the back which makes mowing easier and faster when I switch. If I have to mow when the grass is wet or it gets to high I can always catch.