
Yesterday afternoon I had four cubic yards of mulch delivered. When I got home from work yesterday evening I used the gas trimmer to give all the bushes a good spring trimming. I trimmed, ate dinner, they went back out to rake up the debris. I had them dump the mulch about halfway down the drive since it was all going in the front. That, of course, meant I had to park my car at the top of the driveway last night.

This morning around 8:15 I started on the mulch. At 1 this afternoon it was all moved and spread it in the front beds. I pulled up the winter pansies so could I mulch the little flower beds too. Once it turns warms the pansies get leggy and droop over. I need to go out to Lowe’s and get my summer annuals.

This afternoon I have a haircut appointment and I need to stop by the library and grocery store. I’m meeting Marcy for dinner around 5:15.

It was a nice morning for working in the yard. High seventies to low 80’s with a slight breeze. Chance of storms this afternoon. We can use some rain. Working outside last night was horrid, low 90’s and humid but I wanted to get the bushes trimmed before I put the mulch out.

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