I left work at 3:30 to get home in time to take Colin to his vet appointment for his yearly shots and physical. I had enough time to vote on the way home since his appointment was not until 5pm,
As usual he got sick in the car both going out and coming home. He did okay at the vet’s once Sue and her tech got him settled on the floor and calmed him down for her to do the exam. He weighed 68 pounds which Sue thought was too much. She wants us to cut back on his food amounts. He gets plenty of exercise running up and down the hall all evening plus his walks during the day. I feel pretty much about dog weight charts and pictures as I do human ones in doctor’s office; not at all. Weight, in both human and animal, has nothing to do with being healthy.
Cloudy, muggy, and cool all day but not much in the way of rain up to now.