We had another three inches of rain on Monday night for a total of six inches in about 24 hours. No more drought for us.
Last night our IP group had ladies night out at the local baseball stadium for secretaries, staff, and paralegals only. Our Firm has one of the suites. If the team is playing at home, the Firm will offer tickets on first come, first serve basis but without the food perk. Our group leading attorney allowed us to pick a night back in the spring for both the tickets and the food. We did this last year but included the option of bringing a spouse/significant other/family member.
I had mentioned to Bob earlier in the week that I should start turning my cell phone when I go out for dinner at night with friends in case I should need to be reached in an emergency. I do not use my phone nor turn it on except when I am expecting a call or need to make one while out. Good think I turned it on last night.
Bob called around 6:15 to let me know they were on the way to Forsyth Hospital with mom. She had been having some breathing problems off and on for a few weeks. Apparently Monday afternoon she started not feeling well and spent all night Monday and all day Tuesday in bed. When Frances called them at 5pm last night dad told her she was not doing well. Frances went straight from work to their house, called 911, and off they went. I called Frances to see if I needed to leave the game. Several of us had ridden over together in one car to save the parking fee, so I was without wheels. The co-working we rode over with offered to take me back to the car if I needed to leave. The stadium if five minutes from downtown where we work. Frances said mom was stable and there was nothing I could do. The game was a double header and we had already decided we would eat and stay through the first game since it was a work night so everyone could get home at a decent hour. We left the ball park at 8pm. I called to get another update. Frances, Al, and dad had gone to get some dinner upon the suggestion of the ER nurse. They told them it would be several hours before they decided whether to send or home or admit her.
I arrived at the hospital at 8:30 and went back to see her. She was resting comfortably and breathing better on the oxygen. The others showed up about twenty minutes later. I went back out to the lobby so dad could go back and sit with mom.
Finally around midnight they decided they would admit her but at 12:30 they still did not have a room to move her to and it could be another half hour or longer. Al’s truck was at dad’s, they had come over in Frances’ car and she came in the ambulance with mom. I had Al take dad home so he could get ready for bed. Frances and I followed a few minutes later. I stayed with dad, she went home. It was around 1:30 when we went to bed. I did not want dad staying in the house by himself because of his age and in case he fell.
This morning I went back to the hospital, dad went to his doctor appointment, and Frances and Al had an errand to run. Mom said it was around 1:30am or 2 when she finally got to her room. I sat with her until 1pm when Frances and dad showed up to relieve me. I came home to take shower, eat, and rest. I do not think she will go home today. I will head back over later this afternoon with sleeping gear and cloths for work for tomorrow.