
I am now reading on my Kindle the second book by Edie Claire, Never Sorry, in her Leigh Koslow series. Leigh and three other of her co-workers have started their own ad agency after being laid off. But, with nothing much in the way of income yet, Leigh has taken a job as a part time vet tech at the local zoo. Leaving late one evening she discovers several body parts  of a woman in the tiger cages. Circumstances point to several suspects including Leigh of the murder of the keeper.

On the way home from work, about three miles down the road I hit a gully washer of a rain storm. I was stopping by the library to pick up and drop off a book. I decided I might as well stop hopping it would slack off by the time I got there. It had some but it was still raining hard and the street was flooded at the bottom of the hill where the library is located. I managed to drive around the worst of the accumulated water. By the time I picked up my book and headed back home the rain had slacked off enough that most of the water had drained off though it was still a fairly deep and wide puddle.

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